7cont p 32 In million EUR rounded 2017 2016 in Operating Result 20 6 16 0 4 7 29 2 Balance of additions to disposals of value adjustments to receivables and provisions for contingent claims and credit risks 2 8 13 9 16 7 120 4 Balance from additions to disposals of value adjustments to securities valued as financial assets and to participations and shares in affiliated companies 1 5 7 9 6 4 80 8 Result of normal business activities EBT 25 0 10 1 14 9 148 6 Taxes before Income and Revenue 5 0 17 6 22 6 100 0 Other Taxes 1 2 16 8 15 5 100 0 Net Profit for the Year 18 8 10 9 7 9 72 2 This position contains the contribu tion to the Single Resolution Fund in the amount of EUR 18 million Com pared with 2016 operating expenses decreased by a total of EUR 2 1 million or 5 2 per cent Higher operating earnings EUR 2 6 million or 4 6 per cent reduced operating expenses EUR 2 1 million or 5 2 per cent led to a clearly improved result of EUR 4 7 million or 29 2 per cent The total operating result is EUR 20 6 million 2015 2016 2017 13 3 16 7 13 0 16 3 17 2 14 2 Core Capital Ratio in Total Capital Ratio in Capital Base as of 2015 rounded

Vorschau Business Report RLBV 2017 Seite 7
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