4Liabilities with banks increased by EUR 332 1 million or 9 6 per cent to EUR 3 776 400 000 At 31 12 2017 liabilities totalled 29 5 per cent or EUR 1 113 300 000 2016 31 4 per cent or EUR 1 082 5 million with the RBGV 0 1 per cent or EUR 3 1 million 2016 1 per cent or EUR 35 6 million with the Raiffeisen Bank International AG and 6 4 per cent or EUR 240 1 million 2016 7 4 per cent or EUR 255 4 million with the remaining Raiffeisen Bank sector in Austria The share of liabilities in foreign currency totalled 7 9 per cent or EUR 299 300 000 2016 29 1 per cent or EUR 1 002 1 million Liabilities with customers remained almost the same at EUR 882 7 million At balance sheet date liabilities consisted of savings of EUR 65 3 million 2016 EUR 67 3 million fixed term deposits of EUR 471 1 million 2016 EUR 514 5 million and sight deposits Securitised liabilities increased by EUR 53 7 million or 3 9 per cent to EUR 1 430 700 000 This item includes the Bank s own securi ties as issued The share of covered bonds totalled 36 8 per cent or EUR 527 million 2017 25 8 per cent or EUR 355 million In the period under review provisions decreased by EUR 1 1 million to EUR 25 3 million The basic details on provisions are included in Point 1 3 2 11 Provisions and Other Liabilities in the Appendix to the annual financial statement At 31 12 2017 the equity capital shown in the balance sheet totalled EUR 310 0 million The net income for the year 2017 which is included in this item totalled EUR 16 4 million Balance Sheet Trends 2017 Liabilities ASSETS FINANCIAL AND REVENUE SITUATION

Vorschau Business Report RLBV 2017 Seite 4
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