32017 2016 in Balance Sheet Total 6 478 5 6 085 3 393 2 6 5 Receivables from Banks 2 442 5 2 143 1 299 4 14 0 Receivables from Customers 1 472 5 1 443 4 29 1 2 0 Fixed Interest and Non Fixed Interest Securities 2 114 6 2 198 8 84 2 3 8 Participations 179 3 178 4 0 9 0 5 Other Assets 269 7 121 6 148 1 121 8 Assets in EUR Million 2015 2016 2017 Receivables from Customers Receivables from Banks Own Security Holdings Participations and other Assets 2 485 1 350 2 190 263 2 144 1 443 2 199 300 Total 6 288 Total 6 085 2 443 1 473 2 115 449 Total 6 479 Structure of Balance Sheet Assets in EUR Million rounded rounded

Vorschau Business Report RLBV 2017 Seite 3
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