2Participations remained almost the same at EUR 179 3 million The highest participation is in the Raiffeisen Bank International AG with an accounting value of EUR 148 5 million Other assets include intangible fixed assets fixed assets other assets prepaid expenses accruals deferred taxes cash on hand and cash balances with central banks Compared to the previous year the change was mainly due to cash balances with central banks ASSETS FINANCIAL AND REVENUE SITUATION The balance sheet total for 2017 was EUR 6 478 500 000 Compared with 2016 this was a 6 5 per cent increase or EUR 393 2 million Receivables from credit institutions have grown by EUR 299 4 million or 14 0 per cent At balance sheet date receivables with the Raiffeisen Bankengruppe Vorarlberg totalled 57 9 per cent or EUR 1 413 100 000 2016 71 0 per cent or EUR 1 522 300 000 Receivables with the Zentralinstitut der Raif feisen Zentralbank Österreich AG totalled EUR 593 7 million 2016 EUR 447 1 million The share of foreign currency especially in Swiss francs totalled 39 2 per cent or EUR 965 500 000 2016 EUR 1 014 700 000 or 47 3 per cent Receivables from customers increased by EUR 29 1 million or 2 0 per cent to EUR 1 472 500 000 In spite of an economically challenging environment loans to commercial and private customers increased The share of this balance sheet item in foreign currency at 31 12 2017 was 10 0 per cent or EUR 147 0 million 2016 14 3 per cent or EUR 205 8 million Compared to the previous year the share of foreign currencies of receivables from customers decreased by 4 3 per cent Securities portfolios decreased slightly by 84 2 million to EUR 2 114 600 000 At balance sheet date the securities in question totalled 97 6 per cent or EUR 2 063 900 000 from debentures and other fixed interest securities The share of tenderable securities totalled EUR 2 034 500 000 Balance Sheet Trends 2017 Assets

Vorschau Business Report RLBV 2017 Seite 2
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