15 INCOME STATEMENT 2017 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EUR 2016 in EUR 000 IV OPERATING RESULT Brought Forward 20 637 475 65 15 977 11 12 Balance of Releases of Allocations to the Value Adjustments to Liabilities and to Provisions for Contingent Liabilities 2 832 457 18 13 871 13 14 Balance of Releases of Allocations to the Value Adjustments to Securities Valued as Financial Assets and to Participations 1 525 985 44 7 950 V RESULT OF NORMAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS 24 995 918 27 10 056 15 Extraordinary Income 0 00 0 including drawings from the Fund for General Banking Risks 0 00 0 16 Extraordinary Expenditure 0 00 0 including allocations to the Fund for General Banking Risks 0 00 0 17 Extraordinary Result 0 00 0 sub total of Items 15 and 16 18 Taxes on Income 4 989 250 68 17 621 including from deferred taxes 51 160 16 19 397 19 Other Taxes Unless Shown in Item 18 1 239 082 97 16 775 VI ANNUAL NET PROFIT LOSS 18 767 584 62 10 902 20 Movements in Reserves 13 069 390 44 6 938 including allocation to liability reserve 0 00 0 dissolution of the liability reserve 0 00 0 VII ANNUAL PROFIT LOSS 5 698 194 18 3 964 21 Profit Loss Brought Forward 10 683 850 11 9 560 VIII VIII NET PROFIT NET LOSS 16 382 044 29 13 524

Vorschau Business Report RLBV 2017 Seite 15
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