14 INCOME STATEMENT 2017 ANNUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS EUR 2016 in EUR 000 1 Interest and Similar Income 70 322 784 37 86 297 including from fixed interest securities 38 688 483 33 44 423 2 Interest and Similar Expenses 39 206 389 74 56 725 I NET INTEREST INCOME 31 116 394 63 29 572 3 Income from Securities and Participations 4 329 257 37 3 906 a income from shares other equity interests and non fixed interest securities 883 004 34 946 b income from participations 2 618 742 79 2 799 c income from shares in affiliated companies 827 510 24 161 4 Commission Income 14 623 754 45 14 345 5 Commission Expenses 5 272 817 94 4 562 6 Revenue from Expenditure on Financial Transactions 924 530 52 841 7 Other Operating Income 13 005 337 85 12 059 II OPERATING INCOME 58 726 456 88 56 161 8 General Administrative Expenditure 34 312 849 11 35 986 a personnel expenses 24 082 711 87 25 053 including aa wages and salaries 18 058 821 73 18 326 bb expenses for statutorily prescribed social security charges and pay related charges and compulsory contributions 4 562 882 14 4 581 cc other social security expenditure 208 147 76 238 dd expenditure on pensions and other support 1 168 871 25 1 186 ee allocations to pensions reserve 460 113 87 101 ff expenditure on severance payments and payments to company pension funds 544 102 86 823 b other administrative expenditure material expenses 10 230 137 24 10 933 9 Adjustments to Assets in Asset Items 9 and 10 1 475 884 92 1 336 10 Other Operating Expenses 2 300 247 20 2 862 III III OPERATING EXPENSES 38 088 981 23 40 184 IV OPERATING RESULT 20 637 475 65 15 977

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