11 Cont P 40 BALANCE SHEET AS OF 31 DECEMBER 2017 LIABILITIES EUR 2016 in EUR 000 1 Bank Liabilities 3 776 414 724 40 3 444 289 a due daily 1 020 580 533 03 1 000 163 b with an agreed maturity or notice period 2 755 834 191 37 2 444 126 2 Liabilities with Customers 882 718 988 73 886 466 a savings deposits 65 295 199 16 67 301 including aa due daily 0 00 0 bb with an agreed maturity or notice period 65 295 199 16 67 301 b other liabilities 817 423 789 57 819 165 including aa due daily 346 297 073 20 304 642 bb with an agreed maturity or notice period 471 126 716 37 514 522 3 Securitised Liabilities 1 430 677 866 55 1 376 936 a bonds issued 346 652 196 55 410 319 b other securitised liabilities 1 084 025 670 00 966 617 4 Other Liabilities 51 260 340 64 54 154 5 Prepaid Expenses Accruals 2 156 040 34 2 942 including revaluation reserves per Section 906 Subs 32 Austrian Commercial Code 0 00 0 Difference per Section 906 Subs 34 Austrian Commercial Code 0 00 0 6 Provisions 25 322 363 00 26 442 a provisions for severance payments 4 974 057 91 4 879 b provisions for pensions 6 818 723 62 7 279 c tax accruals 5 316 964 14 215 d other 8 212 617 33 14 069 6a Funds for General Banking Risks 0 00 0 7 Supplementary Capital per Part 2 Title I Chapter 4 of Regulation EU No 575 2013 0 00 0 8 Additional Core Capital per Part 2 Title I Chapter 3 of Regulation EU No 575 2013 0 00 0 including Compulsory Convertible Bonds per Section 26a Austrian Banking Act BWG 0 00 0 8b Financial Instruments with no Voting Rights per Section 26a Austrian Banking Act BWG 55 832 667 68 55 833 9 Subscribed Capital 22 108 936 00 22 109 10 Capital Reserves 19 383 078 32 19 383 a fixed 19 383 078 32 19 383 b not fixed 0 00 0 11 Profit Loss Reserves 161 269 111 81 148 200 a statutory reserves 0 00 0 b reserves prescribed by Articles of Association 5 004 550 24 5 005 c other reserves 156 264 561 57 143 195 12 Liability Reserves per Section 57 Subs 5 Austrian Banking Act BWG 35 006 202 28 35 006 13 Net Income for the Year Net Loss for the Year 16 382 044 29 13 524 TOTAL LIABILITIES 6 478 532 364 04 6 085 284

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